Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey!!! Os tan is here

Hello!!! Whats up? Today is all about this cute chibi character below..

0: Win3.1, 1:? , 2: WinNT, 3: Win95, 4: ?, 5: Win98, 6: Win2K, 7: WinME, 8: WinXP, 9: Vista

See the chibi character above? They are OS-tan. Ever heard of it? Well the OS-tans are an internet phenomenon in Japan where the OS-tan (or OS Girls) are the personification of several Windows operating systems. For every version of window have their own os tan.
Video below is only a flash animation not a real one. It seems that there are no software such as this right now(i wonder when....).

The concept of the OS-tans is reported to have begun as a personification of the common perception of Window Me as unstable and prone to frequent crashed. As its name the character is not only for the Window but for all the OS out there.

1 comment:

DeKaN said...

Ic.. so this is OS tan they are talking about..